Music matters!

Music matters! Good music can bring comfort to a troubled mind, change a frown to a smile, warm a worried heart, and calm a chaotic situation. Good music can lift our sights, energize our ambitions, and inspire us to be kinder and wiser. Good music can help develop and strengthen our intellectual capabilities. In short, good music is good for us!

Children need good music in their lives. That’s why I created this music curriculum, so that if you have limited funds for music, you could go into a kindergarten classroom (or if you are homeschooling, gather your children around you) and introduce the children to some fundamental music principles. Using this curriculum, you can help children to listen and move to music as well as create their own music. You don’t have to be a professional musician to teach music to children. It helps if you can sing on key if you are teaching in a classroom as well have a basic understanding of what you are teaching! But if you love beautiful music, are committed to teaching the children, and are willing to spend a little time learning and preparing, I bet you will do fine!

You may use any of my lesson plans without reservation except for financial gain. If you teach a lesson, let me know how it went (, what changes you made or might suggest, and anything else positive and helpful to others.

Thanks for stopping by.  Happy music-making!

Mrs. Livingston

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