Mrs. B’s Week 1: Getting to Know You

Week 1 (For a printable PDF of this lesson, click here.)

Getting to Know You Game:

Backpack filled with school items

Box of crayons – just like the different colored crayons, all the children are different and all are special.  Pick five children to play a short tune on the bells and tell us their name.  (Continue every week until all children have had a turn).

Bell – bell rings when school is out.  When we are finished with music time, sing “Adios Amigos” (teach first two lines).

Apple – introduce what Delicious Music is and a little about what we’ll learn.  Explain that every Friday when we gather together, we’ll sing “Delicious Music” theme song (teach first two lines).

Ruler – rules of music time (display poster).  1.  Everyone will have a turn (show apron with their names in a pocket to show how names will be drawn out so everyone has a chance to participate)  2. Lips closed when I’m teaching 3. Try your best and have fun!  Pretend you’re a ruler and sing “One, Two I stretch up tall.” (primary song)

Scissors – Just like we move our hands to make the scissors work, we will often use our bodies as we sing and move with the music.  Sing “I’m all made of Hinges.” (primary song)

Glue Stick – Share something about me:  I like to stick together with my family (show picture of my family)